par Admin | Avr 19, 2020 | Amour, Intuition
Comment se libérer de la peur de souffrir et d’être de nouveau blessé après une rupture? Je me posais cette question, et un de mes guides spirituels m’a donné une réponse. Voici la conversation que l’on a eue (mes questions sont en majuscule) :...
par Admin | Avr 9, 2016 | Changing Your Life, Intuition
I keep being amazed of how life is unfolding for me since I first chose to embark on the journey to my heart in 2012. It has been a life full of adventures, travelling to places like South Africa, Swaziland and Australia; Going on safaris watching, lions walking...
par Admin | Avr 9, 2016 | Changing Your Life, Intuition
I love going on safari. Safaris have an amazing way to get me connected to my true self. Being present with nature and experiencing the wildness of the savannah opens my heart and give me such a sense of freedom. I always wake up with this excited impatience to feel...
par Peggy Ebring | Août 7, 2015 | Changing Your Life, Intuition
Society has changed a lot in the past 30 years. People are having more and more freedom to make their own decisions and to choose their direction in life. However there does not seem to be an overall increase in people wellbeing and happiness. So many people are...