+596 696 55 02 04 peggy@peggyebring.com
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I keep being amazed of how life is unfolding for me since I first chose to embark on the journey to my heart in 2012. It has been a life full of adventures, travelling to places like South Africa, Swaziland and Australia; Going on safaris watching, lions walking nonchalantly along side our vehicle looking for their next attack, a leopard devouring voraciously an impala at the top of a tree, giraffes majestically sprinting in the savannah, a male adult rhino by the name of Tom taking care of a young orphan rhino called Jerry (beautiful story that I shall tell you about in another post), caressing and feeding kangaroos at Sydney wildlife zoo; and meeting some truly amazing people along the way.  But the biggest adventure has actually been reconnecting with my heart and slowly finding my own voice.

I’ve awakened to the illusion of my ego and discovered my true creative nature. Intuition has brought so much joy, and sometimes pain as well, to my life. Awakening and embracing my purpose has definitely not been a walk in the park. Well, I guess, understanding that “pain is inevitable, suffering is optional” took me quite a bit of time and practice. I’ve reconnected with my love of dancing. I just love exploring and expressing feminine beauty and sensuality through dancing, and helping women connect with their feminine energy. This is one of the reason I love samba so much. It is such a celebration of women’s beauty, sensuality and power. Intuition has opened me to the beauty of life and empowered me to become the conscious creator of my life. I now coach people in doing exactly that. I help them operate at a higher level of creativity so they are empowered to bring their heart to life. I must admit, it is my absolute delight and pleasure to share such a beautiful gift.

Following up on the journey, I’ve just come back from a deliciously surprising writer’s genius training in Swaziland. To my stunned amazement and absolute dismay, I can actually write. It is definitely something I would not have bet a penny on two weeks ago. I had so much resistance to writing and ultimately being expressed in the world, that it really took a powerful structure to get me to where I am now. I’ve met my muse, who has started revealing to me the theme of my book, details about the characters and the story. I feel excited about receiving more juicy bits and story twists, and actually creating this book. This writers training has been a life changing journey. It has empowered me in my true expression and served me in connecting more purposely with my inner power. It has opened a little door for my voice to start coming out, and I very much love that. I have a voice. My goodness, I do have a voice. It is such a simple and profound realisation; Such a long way travelled for this frightened little girl who had decided to stay invisible to stay safe; Such a journey for this shy little girl that just would not speak up.

Life keeps unfolding and opening in the most mysterious, yet delightful, ways. I really thank William Whitecloud – the author of the Magician Way and The Last Shaman – for creating such a powerful training and supporting me on this journey.


Much love

