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We all exhibit some amazing patterns of behaviour, whether we are aware of them or not. The most fascinating pattern of all is our macro structural pattern (MSP). This was first discovered by Robert Fritz who is a master at creating. He really laid down the principles of creating in his book “The path of least Resistance”, which I highly recommend.

Your macro structural pattern is a series of steps that you always take whenever you go for something and don’t get it. It is basically your overall failure pattern. Knowing your MSP is therefore a key step in your personal development. What is the most surprising about MSP is that it is included in every single failure, relationship failures, business failures, work related failures, any failure you could possibly think of! You may have a relationship pattern which is different from a business failure pattern, but your MSP will be included in both of them. The first time I heard about it, I naturally doubted it, until I had my MSP done! I had to admit it had a strong ring of truth as I could clearly see it playing in different areas of my life, failed businesses, failed marriage, failed dancing shows etc. So basically, your MSP is included in all your failures too. If you doubt it, book a session with me and I shall show it to you!

Having this awareness is fundamental for your self improvement. Knowing your MSP helps you achieve your goals as it gives you access points and leverages that you can use to shift out of it. Being able to recognize when you are in your pattern actually helps make better and more fruitful decisions. I believe it is fundamental to increase you chances of succeeding, especially if you run your own business. Knowing your pattern, but also your business partners ones, could definitely save you some deals and make you money. If you are not in business, being aware of your MSP is an important key in an overall self improvement and self development strategy.

All MSP are actually designed to achieve a precise unconscious egoic goal, each goal being specific to each individual. For instance, one of my clients’ MSP is actually designed to prove that he cannot trust others as they will betray him. Recognizing how he unconsciously sets up the scene for people to let him down was very empowering. He is now able to break out of it. Understanding the scope of your MSP scope will really shed a light on aspects of your original wound and consequent dysfunctional behaviours. You will then be able to act differently. That’s why knowing your MSP is essential in your overall personal development. It is a powerful leverage for achieving success in life.